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Showing posts from January, 2021

How to develop leadership skills?

How to develop leadership skills? develop leadership skills If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Everyone has a different explanation of a leader. In my opinion, a good leader is one who leads his team through the way. Bring out the positive from the worse situation. Anyone can develop leadership skills with patience and practice. If you want to take your career towards leadership. You have to work hard for it. Being a leader is depending on the way you get things done.  Below enlisted are key strategies that will lead you towards leadership qualities. Leader must be disciplined As the leader has to inspire others, so he needs to be punctual in his daily routine. Show discipline in daily office affairs and complete all the tasks on time. If you are not good at organizing things, then you have to break down your daily routine into small chunks. This will help you to divide the focus into all important tasks. Try to get up early in the morning and do exercise regularly.

Things to know before becoming a freelancer

Things to know before becoming a freelancer If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Freelancing brings countless advantages that include working with multiple clients. Learning new skills, Chance of learning new skills. Earning a decent amount apart from your office job. However, switching your full-time job and moving on to freelancing is a decision that must be made before proper thinking and planning. As there are massive disadvantages of choosing freelancing as a carrier. Quarantine Being a freelancer, you have to work from home. That means no office, no boss, no more team meetings. That makes you isolated from the outside world. You do not have the expertise of your seniors or the boss to guide you in case of any difficulties. You have to rely on the internet and different social media platforms to find out the solutions to your problems. Being isolated from the outside world sometimes put a negative impact on the mind. No benefits  You are working independently in f

Why should I do freelancing?

Why should I do freelancing? If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . In the previous article, we have mentioned the process of becoming a freelancer and what qualities should one have to enter in the freelancing market. Here we will mention the advantages of becoming a freelancer. Freelancing is an open market, where anybody can enter and show his expertise. The trend of freelancing is increasing with every passing day and it is bringing a chance to earn life hood for students, retired peoples. This field is ideal for those who are frustrated with their office jobs and want to work on their terms. Below are the reasons to choose freelancing as a career  Flexible Time. In freelancing, you can get flexible hours to complete your task. You can work anytime in the day or night. Freelancing gives an upper hand as compared to the individuals who are doing 9 to 5 office job. When you are a freelancer, the days are yours and you can manage it as per your schedule. Work at midnigh

How to Learn English quickly?

How to Learn English quickly? If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . English language is not just a set of grammars and words. There is a lot more in it, Individuals are found stuck while learning it. They do not know where to start learning English and how to master it. English is a language that can be learned. You just need to be loyal and honest with yourself. In this article, we will let you know how you can learn English. Set A Target  Before starting to learn English. Set a goal for yourself. Learning English is not a task that can be completed in a day or two. It takes a long time and skills to learn English. Therefore, try to set some goals. So you can break your task down into days and complete it with motivation.  Vocabulary  The first step towards learning English is making your vocabulary strong. it will lead you to speak English with fluency and confidence. If you are not turning your focus toward learning vocabulary, then you will find it hard. Try learnin

Tips and tricks to learn content writing

Tips and tricks to learn content writing If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Several writers publish their search work on the internet. You might be wondering? How they do that? We will tell you in this article that how you can become a content writer. Becoming a content writer is not a hard task but it’s not a piece of cake as well. Nobody can become an expert writer overnight It requires time and patience. You have to develop a habit of study and research so you can make your name in the writing field.  Search and study  Before starting your carrier as a writer. Study the other writers. Decide the niche you want to write for. Niche is a kind of a department or topic such as Tech, Sports, News. This will help you to understand the purpose of writing. Write daily so your writing could catch rhythm. focus on your vocabulary as it is quite important to know about writing. You need to be specific in your research. Good research will lead to strong writing.  Create Outlin

What Is Academic writing

What Is Academic writing If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Academic writing is a type of writing that is formal, and precise. It is used in educational institutes like colleges and universities. It is similar to the other writings like content writing and article writing but it has a specific style in terms of structure. Academic writing comes in different types such as Journals, books, and reports. Below are the types of academic writing. Research paper Essay Research proposal  Literature review  All of the above writing types serve the same purpose. Following are the attributes of academic writing  Formal and Neutral Academic writing neutrally conveys the information. The purpose is to argue based on evidences. Whereas all the statements must be backed by strong evidences, not based on assumptions. It is necessary in the academic writing that the writer should state the work of other expert researchers and his research results based on truth and be honest about co

How to survive in office politics / Smart Ways to Survive Office Politics

How to survive in office politics / Smart Ways to Survive Office Politics survive in office politics If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . What comes to your mind when you hear this word office politics? It is all about leg-pulling, backstabbing, and sucking up to the bosses. If you want to stay away from all these things but do not know what Is the best way to do that. We have brought smart ways that would help you to survive in office politics without going down to the lowest standards of behavior. Office politics are part of life it is possible to move forward without compromising on your rules and values.  Is your workplace full of politics?  All the workplaces are political, the reason being the number of people bring their emotional insecurities in their lives. All of us want to touch the heights of success. But we have different opinions than others and we do not agree with other team members. Office politics come to light when these things are hard to manage. We

What is freelancing and how it works

What is freelancing and how it works If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Freelancing is a platform, where any individual can work on any project according to his area of expertise. There are several industries in freelancing, that includes SEO, Graphic Designing, website development. These individuals are called freelancers. These freelancers are not in a contract with any company. The best thing about freelancing is that an individual can work with more than 1 client at a time. Freelancers use to earn on an hourly basis or daily basis. Unlike the individuals who are working under a company and get paid after a month. Things to know for becoming a freelancer Becoming a freelancer is not a hard task. You just have to master any skill and then bid for it. In short, if you want to become a freelancer, then you must have a skill like copywriting, Photo editing, etc. Once you are having any skill, you can apply on different freelancing platforms. I have started my writing

How to Stay Positive in Life.

How to Stay Positive in Life. If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Life brings many challenges for us which involves tough situations that result in bringing a wave of negativity. It is quite hard to get the motivation of focusing on the positive side. We are living in a world, where good and bad are part of life. Daily News has a major impact on life as there is negative news around that affects the positive side If we got caught by the negativity, then our life will become worse. In this situation, we have to think positively and make things easier. we will let you know how to react in negative situations and move forward. Try To Find A Positive Side We have no control over what is going around. Still, we have the option of how to respond to the situation. It’s our choice, whether we got carried with the situation or try to find the right side. For example, if you and your friend are going on a trip and you are waiting for him to come and join you. If he gets late, t

Places to visit in Pakistan

Places to visit in Pakistan If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Pakistan is an Islamic country in South Asia and the fifth largest populated country in the world. Whenever we have a thought about Pakistan, the first thing that comes in our mind is load shedding, floods, inflation. These problems could not deny the beauty of this landscape. Pakistan has amazing locations that would probably make you fall in love with them. The place is a heaven for individuals who like to travel and explore nature. Below enlisted are top of the line places that you must visit. Naltar Valley  The place is 2.5 hours away from the Gilgit. Naltar valley is famous for its lovely potatoes. It is covered with beautiful pine trees. The places reflect of a paradise. If you ever get a chance to travel, do not miss to visit this heaven on the hearth. You would not want to come back, once you visit the valley. Neelam Valley  The place is situated on the opposite side of keran sector that is Indian

Cryptocurrency and how does it work

Cryptocurrency and how does it work If you want to read articles like this. Click  Here . Cryptocurrency is electronic currency that is alternate of paper Money. The efforts of introducing the cryptocurrency were initiated in the 90s but the response was not fruitful at that time. There are several reasons for its failure, which include fraud, financial issues, and conflicts between the companies. Due to these failures, the introduction of digital currency was not more than a fantasy. There was a major issue of double-spending. The solution was any third party, a server that could keep the record of all the transactions. In 2009, A group of expert programmers launched Bitcoin. The programmer satoshi called it a centralized cash system. That does not require any back end serves or controlling authority to operate. Bit coin has its own ledger to record the transactions The ledger is accessible by every individual to see its spending details. Every single transaction is considered as a fi